877-345-8599 info@hammertravel.org

Hammer Travel Destinations

It is a step back in time as you return to the Old West of North Dakota. While traveling through Theodore Roosevelt park, keep an eye out for buffalo, prairie dogs and wild horses. Enjoy the Gospel brunch along with a performance with a full band and gospel singers. The highlight of the trip will be the Medora Musical. It truly is the greatest show in the west! If that isn't enough Old West for you, the trail ride on horseback will bring out the cowboy/cowgirl in you! All paperwork and payment must be received before 4/11/23. If the trip is cancelled after this date, cancellation penalties will apply.


Destination Type
Walking Level
1 / 3


Total Cost
Minimum Payment Required?
Payment and Paperwork
In order for your registration to be complete, payment and paperwork must be received by 5/11/23.


Registration Closes
April 11, 2023